Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Cherry's Review: "Gagging Sounds" and a "Bigger Mouth than the Other Girls" Lead to Fun Times

According to Cherry's Latest Review (She has 14 Now at The Erotic Review), the nimble nymph is a double threat when it comes to oral talent.  She is not only genetically gifted with a larger than average mouth for an asian lady of her size, but she also has mad skills!  Here is just a portion of the last review (VIP section, juicy details for members....worth every penny!):

"Cherry told me that her mouth is a bit bigger than the other girls' mouths. I could tell because she didn't give me a toothy blowjob like most girls. ....

Get 10.99 Free Credits!....As a matter of fact, after the massage, I went right back into her mouth and didn't even get to bang. I stayed on my back the entire time while Cherry went to work on me. She has some interesting technique where she'll cup the balls, suck 1 ball, work her way from the bottom of the shaft on 1 side, then suck the tip, then lick the other side of the shaft and then suck the other ball on the way down. 

Get 10.99 FREE CREDITS!.....Another several mins of this tech going ball to ball worked me up to cup#2 in her mouth again. She got every drop this time.

Thursday, August 18, 2016


 The mot recent review of Yuki is a revealing one, relating in part the steamy story of how the writer and Yuki spent a playful hour including table shower with a bit of extra sensuality, carnal knowledge back in the room, and naturally an explosive and happy ending.

YUKI now has 19 Reviews at the Erotic Review Sight.  Taken together they paint a vivid picture of the NYC escort's style service offerings.

www.eroticmp.comYuki's working name is considered auspicious by her colleagues, who envy her unique status.  She is the only escort at Private Hotties / Go Go Relax who can boast a working name that is also used, in real life, by dozens of Japanese sports stars and other celebrities  

Get 10.99 Free Credits!


Friday, August 12, 2016

Sasha the Enigmatic Nymph: Is She for You?

Few asian escorts have been as discussed, reviewed, and debated as the inimitable Sasha (sometimes spelled Sassa) at the GoGoRelax / Private Hotties / Heaven Spa triad of midtown incall locations.  Her intense sessions inspire loyalty among her fans and partisans, while other customers report that although she sure does have skills, she falls short of the intense hype.

As on reviewer put it in The Erotic Review, "Session was good, but not amazing as I was expecting. "

But for every "mixed praise" review like that one, you will find several glowing testimonies on Sasha's profile page at the Erotic Review.

For example, one fan gushes that
"She gave me a thorough washing and a heavenly body massage with her soft breasts barely floating over my body. She then went for the house-famous rimming which was superb. She then started a BBBJ great eye contact and technique. I had to have her, so I got up and we headed back to the room. She continued the BBJ on her knees and I though I would explode. I picked her up and laid her on the bed and dove in for a long DATY session. She has a clean-shaven beautiful pussy. I slowly got a finger inside her and felt her clit get harder (can't fake that). She seemed to come twice while I was doing this. I was so horny by know, I got up and she covered me up. I turned her on her knees and went doggie, (wishing I could go greek). I wanted to come but when looking at her pretty face. I turned her on her back and we went mish with me looking into her eyes and kissing here deeply until I finally exploded."
For all the latest news and reviews, follow Private Hotties on Twitter 


Gaithursburg, MD is FINALLY in the news as 3 women are arrested in massage prostitution sting in

Get 10.99 Free Credits!Perhaps this breaking news will finally attract well deserved attention to the oddly named GAITHERSBURG, Maryland,. The Town is named after Benjamin Gaither and other members of his illustrious family, in the 1950s.  Previously, the town had been called "Log Town."

From our source: Officials: 3 women arrested in massage prostitution sting | WJLA: "GAITHERSBURG, Md. (ABC7) — Naked men and bags full of cash; that is just some of what police found when they busted an Asian spa in the Kentlands.

Get 10.99 FREE CREDITS! On July 14, the Gaithersburg Police Department’s Street Crimes Unit served a search warrant on ‘Tao Foot Spa’ located inside a second-floor suite at 356 Main Street. Officers, with court paperwork in hand, found Yangfang Yang, 40, and Suhua Liu, 31, providing massages to fully unclothed men. Feng Li, 46, was also working in the spa.

Police later uncovered $18,000 in cash stashed in various suitcases, purses, coats, and bags. There was a ledger with client names and phone numbers, bottles of lotion, massaging lubricant, a condom and vaginal cream.

During the mid-morning sting, Yang asked to use the restroom where, police say, she attempted to flush the client list down the toilet."

IMAGE CREDIT: By City of Gaithersburg - http://www.gaithersburgmd.gov/, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=25049029

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Molly's Latest Review

The latest review of Molly at Private Hotties of New York City is her 51st!  And the hits keep on coming.  Posted on her review page at The Erotic Review, the review describes "legit nuru," carnal pleasures enhanced her pleasantly tight erogenous zone, and a deep throat-enabled CIM finish.

According to the monger,
"Table shower was fun. They offer legit nuru where the the girl will be with you on the table. I think a lot of place advertise this but don't really do it. For the novelty it was pretty awesome. Molly offered preview BBBJ which was fun as as well. After a decent massage on comes the condom, she mounts me in CG then ACG. She is tight as a drum and squeezing my cock with her pussy. I flip her into doggie and pound away. Great ass. I insert a finger into her ass, she swats me away and says bad boy. I CIM for the finish and she takes it all. "
For more daily coverage of the NYC Escorts Scene, follow NYC Escorts on Twitter.

Officials vow to stop golf game with strippers on N.J. course - NY Daily News

Get 10.99 Free Credits!In yet another sign that New Jersey knows how to trip over it's own tangled shoelaces, Officials now vow to stop golf game with strippers on N.J. course - == as reported by the NY Daily News: "New Jersey officials are vowing to crack down on a charity golf event that turned a tax-payer funded course into a jiggle joint.

The charity event at Preakness Valley Golf Course in Wayne, New Jersey, was billed as a day of golf to benefit a variety of causes — including the Orlando shooting victims and slain police officers in Dallas.

Get 10.99 FREE CREDITS!The sponsor — who runs Sunrise Gentlemen’s Club — even offered cops and firefighters a discount on the $195 fee, according to NBC News, which first reported on the event.

But residents and public officials were shocked to see drinks flowing and plenty of putting around when scantily clad women joined the fun."

the story continues...

"Hidden cameras also caught lap dances on male golfers as they piloted golf carts — and plenty of drinks to go round.

In another video segment, a golfer tries to fish a golf ball out of the cleavage of one of the Sunrise dancers with his mouth — and the same dancer can later be seen touching a participant intimately.
OH MAN!  Forget the Syrian Refugee Crisis, let's clamp down on this childish threat to the sanctity of public golf courses.  Bravo to our journalistic comrades across the Hudson River!!!!

Lily's Reviews: Asian Spinner's Got Game!

Asian GFE Escort Lilly stands less than 5 feet all and weights less than 100 pounds.  But don't let her small stature fool you, this girl can run circles around most escorts twice her size.   According to sources, she's a top performer at the Private Hotties / Go Go Relax agency of New York City.

Sources posting reviews of Lilly at a rapid clip are certainly singing her praises at high volume. 

 For her example, a recent review reveals interesting details about Lilly's approach to providing BBBJ services to her cherished clients:

"I found her bbbj was one of he best I've ever experienced. Another reviewer said her tongue was "not just any tongue but a weapon.... the woman has a vacuum for a tongue. not just the mouth. the tongue sucks you dry". This was exactly how I felt!! I kept sucking her pussy until she had her 'O', Jr could not hold any longer and finally gave her my 1st cup (CIM)... I think she swallowed it. She cleaned Jr with a warm towel and gave me a a decent massage. When she turned me over, she started to play with Jr and gave another bbbj, making it hard as rock. She put on the condom and we started missionary, cow girl, and finally I cum in doggy. Lily was not a clock watcher and gave a really great GFE."


For our readers reference and convenience, we hereupon list a series of acronyms commonly used by the reporters who bring you this blog.  If you believe that we have missed anything, please be so kind as to so advise us.  Thank you new york!

GGR = Go Go Relax Escort Agency

PH = Private Hotties Escort Agency

CIM = Come in Mouth

BBBJ = Bareback Blow Job

DT = Deep Throat (Blow Job)

BBBJTCIM = BBBJ that leads to CIM.

BBBJNQNS = BBBJ to completion without stopping or spitting ( "No Quit No Spit" )

GFE = an escort who gamely provides services such as the above, and usually a few more like:

DATY = Dining at the "Y" - or more simply "eating her out"

DFK = Deep French Kissing. Aww, how sweet!  There is love in this world after all.

Our First Post of Prose gets Mixed Reviews

Someone like Asian

A Loyal Romance
by Asian Escort NewsMonger

Private Hottie is a Sexy, Skinny and Sexual Escort from Korea. Her life is going nowhere until she meets Asian Escort, a Perky, Energetic man with a passion for Rimming.
Private takes an instant disliking to Asian and the Slow and Lazy ways he learnt during his years in China.
However, when a Naughty Monger tries to Tip to little Private, Asian springs to the rescue. Private begins to notices that Asian is actually rather GFE at heart.
But, the pressures of Asian's job as a GFE Escort leave him blind to Private's affections and Private takes up BBBJTCIM to try an distract himself.
Finally, when Fond of Donald Trump GFE Girl, GFE Nympho Sasha, threatens to come between them, Asian has to act fast. But will they ever find the Loyal love that they deserve

Someone like Asian
"I fell in love with the Fond of Sex Asian Escort. Last night I dreamed that he was in my teapot."
- The Daily Tale
"About as enjoyable as being slapped with a dead fish, but Someone like Asian does deliver a strong social lesson."
- Enid Kibbler
"I love the bit where a Naughty Monger tries to Tip to little Private - nearly fell off my seat."
- Hit the Spoof
"I could do better."
- Zob Gloop