YUKI now has 19 Reviews at the Erotic Review Sight. Taken together they paint a vivid picture of the NYC escort's style service offerings.

For all the latest news and reviews, follow Private Hotties on Twitter"She gave me a thorough washing and a heavenly body massage with her soft breasts barely floating over my body. She then went for the house-famous rimming which was superb. She then started a BBBJ great eye contact and technique. I had to have her, so I got up and we headed back to the room. She continued the BBJ on her knees and I though I would explode. I picked her up and laid her on the bed and dove in for a long DATY session. She has a clean-shaven beautiful pussy. I slowly got a finger inside her and felt her clit get harder (can't fake that). She seemed to come twice while I was doing this. I was so horny by know, I got up and she covered me up. I turned her on her knees and went doggie, (wishing I could go greek). I wanted to come but when looking at her pretty face. I turned her on her back and we went mish with me looking into her eyes and kissing here deeply until I finally exploded."
"Table shower was fun. They offer legit nuru where the the girl will be with you on the table. I think a lot of place advertise this but don't really do it. For the novelty it was pretty awesome. Molly offered preview BBBJ which was fun as as well. After a decent massage on comes the condom, she mounts me in CG then ACG. She is tight as a drum and squeezing my cock with her pussy. I flip her into doggie and pound away. Great ass. I insert a finger into her ass, she swats me away and says bad boy. I CIM for the finish and she takes it all. "For more daily coverage of the NYC Escorts Scene, follow NYC Escorts on Twitter.